This document will outline the steps to enable SAML-based SSO login for OneLogin.
- Access to Traceable UI
- OneLogin account
This is based on this auth0 docs page: https://auth0.com/docs/authenticate/protocols/saml/saml-sso-integrations/configure-auth0-saml-service-provider/configure-onelogin-as-saml-identity-provider
Step 1 : Create an New Application
Log in to the OneLogin Dashboard,
Click Applications > Add Apps.
Search for: SAML Test Connector
Step 2: Application Details
Enter the application details as show and click on save
Step 3: Traceable Logo
Configure Name and Logo
Step 4: SAML Configuration
SAML Configuration → Enter Entry
Audience (EntityID): urn:auth0:traceable:<ConnectionName>
<ConnectionName> is the name of the connection created in Auth0, typically“SAML-$customername”
ACS (Consumer) URL Validator, ACS (Consumer) URL, Login URL, :
<ConnectionName> is the name of the connection created in Auth0
Step 5: Define the Parameters
Under the parameters, use these entities:
Step 6: Collect the cert & SSO URL
Navigate to the SSO tab, and copy the values for SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP).
Click on the View Details link at the X.509 Certificate field.
Download the X.509 certificate onelogin.pem.
Provide the following details to Traceable
OneLogin Certificate
Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL